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How it works:

Starting with the Free Discovery Call:


  • See where you are in relation to burnout & how it extends to other areas of your life.

  • You deserve to be witnessed and heard.

  •  This space is judgement free.

  • Together, we define where you want to go.

  • I provide you with support & strategy to take the first step that SAMEDAY.  

  • Each session is confidential.

  • No pressure to bring any particular topics, I got you!

  • If we mutually agree we are a good fit to work together, there will be an opportunity to enroll in my 6 week Nurse Your Brain, 1:1 Coaching Program.

Authentic Results

Upon Completing The Nurse Your Brain
6 Week Program
You will learn how to...

  • No longer allow emotions from work to overrun your life in and out of work.

  • Find your sense of belonging.

  • No longer devalue yourself by indulging in imposter syndrome.

  • Care for a demanding patient with ease.

  • Love yourself more.

  • Disarm your inner critic (AKA: Not be a jerk to yourself).

  • Find meaningful & actionable takeaways to use in everyday life.

  • Have power in situations, instead of the situation having power over you.

  • Complete mindfulness exercises.

  • Improve your relationships with coworkers .

  • Increase resiliency in difficult situations.

  • Show up with courage to voice your opinions at meetings.

  • See how you can confidently ask for support when you need it.

From Here


Lighting self on fire, jumping off a platform. To a new photo standing in the mountains with a big smaile and arms open wide.
Fire Dive Stunt_edited_edited.jpg


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